Scrapbook - News, Reviews & Updates

June 13

Grow your own & support Miracle!

Ever fancied having a go at growing your own veggies? Well, now’s the time ! Get yourself a packet of Miracle Grow seeds at the show this summer and see if you’ve got green fingers!

To encourage you to get planting ( and a lovely opportunity for us to get together and have some fun!) Miracle will be hosting its first ever Miracle Grow Harvest Festival in October.
May 31


On July 10th Miracle, in partnership with Cultivator, will be holding an actors’ workshop/audition day at the Miracle Space, Krowji Redruth.
This is not an audition for a specific role or project and the invited participants will not be asked to perform a rehearsed audition piece.
July 14

Miracle Grow – Play writing commission

Miracle is offering an opportunity for writers to have a script commissioned, developed and produced by the company as part of its Miracle Grow initiative.

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