Scrapbook - News, Reviews & Updates

July 1

South West Writers Call Out

May 30

The Great Monkey Puzzle Expedition!

November 28

Top 5 spots to see Father Christmas

November 28

Sleeping Beauty Family Tickets for £50!

November 28

Miracle Grotto at Falmouth’s Festive Weekend

November 23

Miracle returns to the Christmas stage!

October 26

Join our Christmas show chorus!

October 21

BTS: Sleeping Beauty R&D

August 9

Camp (for free!) on Bodmin Moor

April 1

Tom’s Musical Adventure

Tom Adams is creating original music for A Perfect World

Recently he set off on a mission to create ‘a virtual choir & orchestra’ by travelling around the South West collecting a soundscape of over a 100 voices - here is his diary:
August 9

The Third Policeman Review

The most ludicrous yet genius thing you will see in Cornwall this summer!
May 31


On July 10th Miracle, in partnership with Cultivator, will be holding an actors’ workshop/audition day at the Miracle Space, Krowji Redruth.
This is not an audition for a specific role or project and the invited participants will not be asked to perform a rehearsed audition piece.
December 22

Cinderella Review, Cornwall Live

Miracle Theatre's new Christmas show is uniquely, well, Miracle. Which other company would stage a traditional panto but as produced by cack-handed 19th century repertory players?
Everything about this show is a joy – from the Victorian staging of Cinderella to the "play within a play" knockabout humour which reaches hysterical levels of farce, but without the ludicrous aspects of that genre; from the engaging use of music by 17th century composer Henry Purcell to the gifted cast.